Friday, April 23, 2010

The Story Keeps Dribbling Out

Most scandals, whether it involves politicians, business men, or unfortunately clergymen, can be exposed all at once, or slowly, with little bits of information leaking out; “death by a thousand cuts.”

We are seeing this happening now with the clergy abuse scandal going global and Vatican connections coming to light. The National Catholic Reporter has been posting a continuous stream of stories concerning Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, a retired Vatican curialist, involvement with some cases of clergy abuse. The uproar resulting from these stories have caused the Cardinal to decline being the principal celebrant at a High Mass in the Tridentine rite. This Mass is being celebrated on April 24th at the National Basilica of the Immaculate Conception.

Those of you have been regular readers of this blog know my feelings about the continued celebration of the Tridentine liturgy. When I heard about the High Mass being celebrated at the main altar of the Basilica, I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I know there those who will disagree with me, but I still feel that the Tridentine liturgy has no place in a post-Vatican II Church; we are a different laity, with a new understanding of our role in the Church.

And as a faithful laity, we deserve full disclosure from the leaders of our Church, not having to endure constant snippets, day after day, month after month, year after year. We deserve to have our church leaders be accountable for their failures, and ready to work towards healing our Church. We deserve an institutional Church we can be proud of, that we can rejoice in.

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