Saturday, November 2, 2013

All Souls Day - 2013; A Personal Reflection

On the Catholic Church's calender, this day is called "Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed."  Another common name for it is, "All Souls Day."  It is a special day during which Christians offer prayers for departed loved ones, and those who have died without anyone to remember them.  We pray that all the souls of the faithful departed are enjoying the peace and joy of Heaven.  Today, I remember in prayer, my father, Bill, my mother, Marna, and my uncle, Bill Winrow.  We lost Mom and Uncle Bill this past year, Dad we lost in 2011.  Earlier today, I went to my parents grave site; brushed the dried pine needles and leaves from their plaque.  I left some fresh flowers and offered prayers.  For a little while, as I stood there, the area was quiet, very still.  When I got back into the car to leave, for a minute or so, I did not want to turn the ignition key.  No matter how much time has passed, the feelings of sorrow, of loss, are just underneath the surface; ready to pop back into our consciousness. 

This, however, I believe with all my heart and soul, that though separated by death, we are all still one in the Body of Christ. And as I offer prayers for their sakes, I know deep down, that they are offering prayers for my sake, and the sake of all my relatives.  And I have the hope that there will be a day, when all of of us will be reunited, and we will find ourselves enfolded in our Father's arms.

"The souls of the just are in the hand of God, and the no torment shall touch them.  They seemed in the view of the foolish to be dead, and their passing away was thought an affliction and their going forth from us, utter destruction.  But they are in peace."  (Book of Wisdom, Chap. 3)

1 comment:

  1. Your Mom and Dad are feeling such pride for you, in all that you do They are surely blessing you, as you are blessing them too.
