Friday, August 30, 2013

New Biography on Saint Francis of Assisi

For a Jesuit periodical, America magazine seems to frequently call peoples attention to the latest books on St. Francis of Assisi.  The latest book is biography written by Andre Vauchez, a French scholar.  The work was translated by Father Michael Cusato, OFM, a noted Franciscan historian.  America magazine posted a review of the book on their website, as well as a podcast interview with Father Cusato on the book.


  1. Hmm - sounds like a good book to add to my pile of books to be read! Thanks for pointing it out. I just finished the new translation of Paul Sabatier's "Road to Assisi" - have you read that one?

  2. I read that book a few years ago, and found it an interesting read. You have to remember that Sabatier is a Protestant scholar, which could color his take on Francis' relationship with the institutional Church. I attended a luncheon talk by the translator, Jon Sweeney, which was quite good. Of course of interest to Secular Franciscans is the fact that Sabatier is credited with finding the "Exhortation to the Brothers and Sisters of Penance;" and supported it's authenticity.
